Issues (2020-2024)
June 2024 Special Edition
Malaysian Zakat and Waqf Administration
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D.
Al-Madinah International University, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
السنة النبوية بين أهل القرآن وأهل الحديث
Hersi Hilole, Ph.D.
Australian Centre for Social and Cultural Studies, Australia
Managing A University for betterment and development
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D.
Al-Madinah International University, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
A Servey of the Contributions of National Quran Competition
Gambari, Muhammad Aliyu PhD.
Department of Islamic Studies
Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin Nigeria
New Political Dynamics in the Middle East
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D.
Al-Madinah International University, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Operation of Al-Aqsa Storm
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D.
Al-Madinah International University, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
A Study of the Features of Tafsir Fat-hul Qadiir
Gambari, Muhammad Aliyu PhD.
Department of Islamic Studies
Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin Nigeria
June 2023 Special Edition
Quranic Perspective on Mathematics and Ccomputer Science
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D.
Somalia and ASEAN Investment and Economic Relations
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D.
Seeking Solution for Islamaphobia
Qasim Hersi, PhD.
ASEAN and Kenya Economic Relations
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D.
الممارسات السياسية للحكومات المتعاقبة الإثيوبية في إقليم
أوغادين عبر التاريخ
أحمد محمد أحمد, Scitech Academy in Richfield Minnesota,
حركات التحرير في إقليم أوغادين
أحمد محمد أحمد, Scitech Academy in Richfield Minnesota,
December 2022
Understanding the Economic Needs of Baling Residents
Abdi O. Shuriye, Ph.D and Sharinaz Ismail.
The Immpect of Rassia-Ukraine War on the World Political and
Econiomical Stability
Abdi Omar Shuriye, PhD.
December 2021
Efficiency of Spatial Distribution of Health Services
Rawa Hassan Abdelkarim Naser Hassan S. Himli, PhD.
2. Golden Africa
Abdi O. Shuriye Ph.D.
Islam and Natural Resources in Africa
Abdi O. Shuriye Ph.D.
December 2020
Recruitment of Quality International Students for the
Abdi O. Shuriye Ph.D.
The Role of Counselors in Supporting Clients Cope with
Salmi Ahmad Sudan Ph.D.
Somalia: The Establishment of the State and the Civil war
Ibrahim Abdi Shukur.
Trade and Investment Between Malaysia Africa
Abdi O. Shuriye Ph.D.
الصومال: مسيرة البحث عن الدولة وسط صراع سياسي معقد
Dr. Mohamoud Yousuf Muse
Issues (2016-2019)
December 2019
A Digital Survey of Development in the Muslim World as in
Zubair Zafar Khan Ph.D.
The Nature of Counselling with Reference to Malaysian
Salmi Ahmad Sudan Ph.D.
The Major Issues Of Incoming Presidential Election In The
Republic Of Somaliland
Salmi Ahmad Sudan Ph.D.
Ahamiyyat Assiyasah fi Muraja'at al-Muwaazanah al-Aamah
Ash-Sheikh Saud bin Nasir & Abdi O. Shuriye Ph.D.
Annamuzaj Al-mithali li Tatbiq Assiyasah..
Ash-Sheikh Saud bin Nasir & Abdi O. Shuriye Ph.D.
December 2018
Kuwaiti Government Initiatives And Efforts Towards
Nationalizing Labor Market
Muna H. Saeid and Abdi O. Shuriye
The Impect of Different History Curricula On Somali
Mohamamud Yousuf Muse and Abdi O. Shuriye
The Major Issues Of Incoming Presidential Election In The
Republic Of Somaliland
Mohamamud Yousuf Muse and Abdi O. Shuriye
December 2017
The legal evidence in the fundamentalist system
Mustafa bin Mat Jubri @ Shamsuddin
The role of Libya - the state of transit - in protecting
the rights of refugees and illegal immigrants (in Arabic)
Kamil Mamoud Ahmed and A.O.Shuriye
Mohammed Rashid Rida's vision of political phenomena in the
Arab world
Prof. Dr. Abdi O. Shuriye
A historical and political overview of Yemen
Mohamed Nowimi El-Hajiri
Negotiation theory
Ali Ghanim El-Hajiri
December 2016
Al-Arab wattajribah addimuquraadiyyah
Sa'ad Al-Asusi
at-Tahawul Addimuquraadi
Sa'ad Al-Asusi
Al-Wasaatah fil Ilaaqaat adduwalyyah
Essa bin Hamad
Al Wasaatah al-Insaaniyyah
Essa bin Hamad
Issues (2013-2015)
December 2015
Nafidah ala al-manahij al-adabiyyah al-malayawiyyah
Rahmah Bint Ahmad
Contributions Of The Islamic Worldview Towards Corporate
Mohamed Asri and Mohamed Fahmi
Shi'r al-Wataniyyah i'nda al-Rusafi wa az-Zakawi
Rahmah Bint Ahmad
December 2014
Towards Effective Understanding of the Concept of Zuhd
Dr. F.O. Jamiu
Science and Astronomy: Intellectual Refelection of
Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin
December 2013
A Critical Study and Analysis of the Manufacture Contract
"Aqd al-Istisna'" for Islamic Banking and Finance
Dr. Abdalla al-Shami
The Petroleum Institute of
Abu Dhabi, UAE
The Impacts of Neo-Colonialism on the Muslim Population in
Dr. Kamal-deen Olawale SULAIMAN
Department of
Religious Studies
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti,
The Islamic Concept of Mass Communication
Dr.Saqib Riaz and Shahid Hussain
Dept. of Mass
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad,
Localization of Garrisons in Tabaristan during Early Islamic
Abed Taghavi, Ass. Prof. Department of Archaeology,
University of Mazandaran, Saman Farzin, Dep. of Archaeology,
University of Mazandaran and Haadi Sharifan, Dep. of
Archaeology, University of Tehran
Issues (2008-2012)
January 2012
1. Dr. A. O. Shuriye
The Politics of International Intervention and Conflict Management in Contemporary Political Order: A lack of World Political Leadership
2. Dr. Kazeem Adekunle
Place of Sadd adh-Dhara'i in the Shari'ah Framework
3. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amanullah
Conditions of Investment in Islamic Jurisprudence and Their Contemporary Implementation: A case study of Tabung Haji Fund, Kuala Lumpur
January 2011
1. Abdalla al-Shami Ph.D
The Investment of Islamic Endowment in Makkah(In Arabic)
2. John Herlihy
When Worldviews Collide
3. Ashraf bin Md. Hashim Ph.D
The Process of Localisation in Islamic Banking and Finance in Malaysia: a Case Study
October 2010
1. Abdalla al-Shami Ph.D
The Investment of Islamic Endowment (In Arabic)
2. Hersi M. Hilole Ph.D
Ma huwa al-fikr al-Islami al-mu'tadil, wa man hum allazina Yumathilunah? (in Arabic)
3. Rahmah Bint al-Haj Othman Ph.D
Shi'r al-Wattaniyyah inda ar-Rusafi waz-Zakawi..(in Arabic)
January 2010
1. Engineering Curriculum Design and Develeopment
Ahmed Faris Ismail & Othman O. Khalifa
2. China's Political and Economic Activities in Africa: Development and Environmental Concerns
Abdi O. Shuriye
3. Ethical Challenges of Information Technology: An Islamic Perspective
Osman O. Khalifa & Walid F. Daris
4. Islamic Perspective of Quality Administration
Abdi O. Shuriye & Jamal I. Daoud
5. Environmental and Waste management Issues from Islamic Perspective
Sulayman A. Muyibi & Hamzah Mohd. Salleh
6. Political Will in Preserving Natural Resources in Kenya: Policies on Environmental Protection
Abdi O. Shuriye
October 2009
1. Abdalla al-Shami Ph.D: The Importance of Comparative Islamic Juristic Study to Modern Muslim Legislation (in Arabic)
2. Salasiah Hanin Hamjah Ph.D & Fariza Md. Sham Ph.D: al-Ghazali's Spiritual Theory and its Implications
4. Dalton Garis Ph.D: Divine Origins of Rational Analysis
December 2008
1. Islamic Work Ethics: Concept and Perspective
Hersi M. Hilole
2. Rights of Fetus in Muslim Jurisprudence
Abdi O. Shuriye
3. The Concept of Underage and Legal Liability in Islamic Law
Qasim Hersi Farah & Hersi M. Hilole
4. Identity Boulding and its Relation to Ethics and Religion: the Dilemma of Muslim Youth in Australia
Hersi M. Hilole
5. Study on Islamic Perspective of Professional Code of Ethics in the Field of Computing and Informatics
Abdi O. Shuriye & Aznan Zuhid Saidin
6. Integrating Islamic Concepts in the Engineering Curriculum: Case Study Faculty of Engineering, IIUM
Mohamed H. Hassan
7. Values and Ethics in Engineering: An Islamic Perspective
Muhamad Fuad bin Abdullah
8. Book Review: Islamic Rationalism: the Ethics of Abd al-Jabbar
Abdi O. Shuriye
June 2008
1. Howard Haris: The Human face of Business Networks and Alliances2. A.O.Shuriye:: Aspects of Civilizational Islam
3. Ismial Abdullah: Violence and Peace from Islamic Perspective: An Analytical Study of Textual Evidences
4. Abdallah al-Shami: al-Ijar al-Muntahi bittamlik fi annizam al-mali...
5. Akmal Haziri: al-Quran al-Karim wal-Injil: Nazarat mukhtalifah fi mafhum at-tarjamah

About JSCS formerly known (AJIS)
Area of Interest Objectives Submissions Subscriptions
Academic Editor Ali Alamin Mazrui Clinton Crawford Ahmad Shboul Abdilaziz Schdina Ahmad Faris Ismail
Angeline Low
Ghazala Anwar Howard Brasted Berghout A. Aziz Julie Chernov S. Desouki Hassan Mustafa Usman Mohamed Sharif Syamsul Bahri Andi Ismail Abdullah
Original research papers from within and outside the Muslim world.
Reviews and review articles, to investigate transformations in community relations, religion, politics culture, society and civilization.
The target of Australian Journal of Islamic Studies is global readership.
This Refereed international Journal provides a transcultural academic sphere that engages scholars in a critical dialogue on ethnicity, politics, religion and culture in this today world.
It also provides a forum for debate on moderation, modernity and
Particular interests include but are not limited to: Islam and West, Politics/ Democracy and Islam, Inter-civilizations, Healthy Religious practices, Minority rights, Religious Tolerance, Muslims in Australia, Collective Ethics, State responsibility, Islamic Role in civic (society) life, Inter-faith, Ethnicity, Worldviews.
1. Enhancing and promoting scientific research in community relations, politics and religion.
2. Developing cultural understanding, religious tolerance and interfaith of diverse worldviews
3. Promoting civilizational dialogue
4. Supporting peaceful coexistence in and prosperity of the whole world.
Contributors: Free access to the online copies.
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Public: Free access to the online copies.
Printed copies
Individuals: US$100/Yr. For a hard copy including the postal cost.
Organizations US$200/Yr. For a hard copy including the postal cost.
Hersi M. Hilole PhD
Abdullah. M. Al-Shami PhD
State University of New York, USA
University of New York, USA
Sydney University, Australia
Virginia State University, USA
International Islamic University, Malaysia
University Technology Sydney, Australia
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
The University of New England,
NSW, Australia
International Islamic University,
Colorado State University, USA
Cairo University, Egypt
University Malahayati, Indonesia
Islamic University of Sultan Sharif
Ali, Brunei
Islamic Science University of
International Islamic University,
Australian Centre for Social and Cultural Studies, Australia
Print: ISSN
No. 1834-6170 Online: ISSN 2208-469X